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Madem amacımız eğlenerek öğrenmek işte talimatları ile birlikte güzel bir parmak oyunu.
İnternette bu şarkının değişik versiyonları mevcut, sözlerde ufak farklılıklar var, bana en sevimlisi bu geldiği için bunu paylaşıyorum.
Five Little Fishies
(Original Author Unknown)
little fishies swimming in a pool, (Wiggle 5 fingers.)
The first one said, “This pool is cool.” (Wrap arms around body.)
The second one said, “This pool is deep.” (Speak in a deep voice.)
The third one said, “I want to sleep.” (Rest head on hands.)
The fourth one said, “Let’s dive and dip." (Hand dives and dips.)
The fifth one said, “I spy a ship.” (Form eyeglass with hands and peer
through it.)
A fisherman's boat comes, (Fingers form V and move away from body.)
The line goes KER-SPLASH, (Pantomime throwing fishing line.)
And away the five little fishies dash. (Wiggle 5 fingers away from body)